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Factory Audit

Our company has always focused on providing a safe and ethical working environment for each employee to protect the interests of all parties and enhance productivity. Our factory always conducts self-assessment, monitoring, and review through verification requirements. Through training and improvement, it strives for excellence in production.

The factory has been certified by ICTI and WCA for many years, which is a strong affirmation by the certification body of our factory’s industrial safety, wage and welfare protection, worker rights and norms. In addition, the factory has also passed human rights and equipment verification from major retailers and brands, including Wal-Mart, Target, Dollar General, Disney, etc.

Based on the international situation, anti-terrorism requirements are becoming increasingly stringent. Our factory updates its anti-terrorism certification every year. From raw materials to finished products leaving the factory, strict monitoring and safety regulations are followed.

As an environmentally responsible manufacturer, we have always had common expectations with our customers. Since 2011, we have obtained FSC certification to ensure our products are not made of paper and wood materials that are illegally harvested upon request from customer.


工廠多年來榮獲ICTI和WCA認證, 是有關認證機構對我廠於工業安全、工資褔利保障、工人權益與規範一個強而有力肯定。除此之外,工廠亦通過各大銷售商和品牌,包括:沃爾碼、Target、Dollar General、迪士尼等有關人權和設備驗證。

基於國際形勢, 反恐要求日趨嚴格,我廠每年有更新反恐認證。由來料至成品出廠,均有嚴格監控及安全守則遵從。

作為一間對環境負責任的生產商, 我們與客戶一直有共同期望。自2011年起獲得FSC認證, 按客戶要求我廠不會採用由非法砍伐樹木作原料的紙張和木材作其產品。

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